Cat Seizures Unexplained Cat Seizures- Explanations And What To Do?
Unexplained cat seizures- explanations and what to do? - cat seizures
My cat, about 2 years, starting with seizures. It was the vet, blood work and can not see not, and the document for any reason. He said that sometimes occurs in cats that give us a pill to give him two, twice a day. We do, but the work is not enough.
I woke up this morning with him, making a strange sound and had a thick string of saliva hanging from his mouth. I went. It seems that he wanted his "treatment" or soft food for the day.
As you would expect that they will get their pills, went to the dry food for cats and almost started to inhale. She chewed it, it falls again, it was striking ate ridiculous. When we eat soft food for almost half a second can, more than I usually eat at all.
We have no idea what is wrong with our cat, and it goes without saying, it is very boring. Has anyone an idea? Thank you very much.
The first thing that comes to mind is a kind of neurological problem. I would take him to a specialist if I were you. Your vet should be able to recommend. Best of luck.
The first thing that comes to mind is a kind of neurological problem. I would take him to a specialist if I were you. Your vet should be able to recommend. Best of luck.
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