Sample Wording For Wedding Thank You Cards Sample "Thank You" Card Wording?

Sample "Thank You" card wording? - sample wording for wedding thank you cards

Do you have samples of writing letters of thanks for a wedding?


Gillian said...

Not here, for example:

Dear Sun --
Thank you for the name of the royal gift (here). We hope that something (to do with the gift) in the near future. Thank you again for thinking of us during this special time in our lives.
Man and Woman

Dear Sun --
Thank you for your generous donation. Spouse and I are trying to bring (the issue of high property prices, whatever), and thanks to you, we are much closer! Thanks again for participating in our big day.
Man and Woman

Just tryin' to help said...

Dear Joe & Jane ~

Very thank you for all of China. Jim and I can not wait for dinner, you can! So, thank you for sharing your day with us. It was so wonderful to see that the boogie-ing to the music! We appreciate your generosity and your company. Thank you again!

~ Joy & Jim

Dear Steve & Sue ~

Thank you for your gift of a toaster. Jim and I certainly also in everyday life! Sorry, you missed the day of our marriage, but it will be a meeting soon to plan!

~ Joy & Jim

Dear (Name)
Thank you for (GIFT). We use (as). Thank you for coming to the wedding. (Try to agree on something that I can remember the specific, if possible.)
Love / De / Sincerely, () its name

* For the money, you have to say "money". You can, but you could say, "Your generosity," or something. Even if you think of something that you are using your money to appreciate it,let them know (the fun on our honeymoon, "" Pay bills "," down payment ", etc..) Otherwise, just know that" we will use them wisely. "

Orange20... said...

As for the wording just go online.

However, each guest was supposed to write on his hand, a thank you.

For those who sent donations, but not at the wedding, which was accepted, please send a thank you too.

It can also be sent within one year after their wedding. Earlier is better then.

Your resource girl! said...

Thank you for sharing our special day with us. It would have been without him. Thank you for your donation, and we promise you will be well spent!

For those who only sent a gift: Thank you for your generosity, both in sending us a donation to our wedding. It is very much appreciated.

nova_que... said...

I love this site for the creation of the website:

For someone who does not come, but sent a gift to thank you for giving and receiving.

Baggs_99... said...

Personalize each card. This means that more customers and they know that make an extra effort.

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